
segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013


1. Passe as seguintes frases para o Present Continuous Tense. Siga o exemplo:
ex: she works in a school
     - she is working in a school
a. you listen to pop music.
b. he talks on the phone.
c. she learns how to swim.
d. we live in a wonderful town.
e. I invest my money in gold
f. Jane rides a bike all the weekends
g. I bring a snack to school every day
h. my brother plays computer games in the bedroom.

2. Reescreva as seguintes frases nas formas negativa e interrogativa:
a. he is walking along the beach
b. I am openning a new bill in the bank
c. my classmates are preparing a project
d. she is studying for the test
e. we are reading a good book
f. John is writing an E-mail to his mother

3. Marque C se o verbo estiver no Continuous e I se estiver no Infinitivo.
a. she loves traveling.
b. we are studying for the test.
c. I am tired of walking.
d. smoking is not good for health
e. I am living in this city